Friday, November 27, 2009

Garage Makeover

Three weeks ago, Bryce went with the boy scouts on an overnight campout to Silver Falls. He was cold. He was camping not only with 12 and 13 year old boys but with mischievious, cooler-opening, and fiesty racoons. Meanwhile, back in West Linn (aka Comfort-land) Carolyn was enjoying a warm, night of comfort at home. What to do while her husband was away camping? Hmmmm....after much thought, she decided that she would surprise her husband with a clean and organized garage. See below for the results of her labors...


Behold the wreckage...

The assembled shelves at 10:00 pm Friday night. T minus 15 hours before husband returns...
And the end result! After making two trips to Costco, one trip to DI, and one trip to the dumpster to throw away the heaps of cardboard boxes left over from our wedding gifts. could almost live down here now:)